There is some significant difference between the IMG tag and INPUT IMAGE


Viewed 154 times


What is the difference of <img src=''> and <input type='image' src=''> ?

Any specific occasion that would be better the use of any of them?

3 answers


According to Mozilla documentation, the tag or tag img represents an image block in the document and while input with image type, represents as a graphic button, as if it were <input type='submit' /> with image on the bottom of the button.

The HTML Image Element (<img>) represents an image of the Document. Link

The <input type="image"> A Graphical Submit button. You must use the src attribute to define the source of the image and the alt attribute to define Alternative text. Link



The tag img has more the purpose of just presenting an image on your website.

The input type="image" also serves to "transform" an image into a button that will perform some action later. For example, a search field with an image of a magnifying glass inside a form.

.pre_input_cabecalho {
    position: relative;
    border: 1px solid #ccc;
    border-radius: 16px;
    -moz-border-radius: 16px;
    -webkit-border-radius: 16px;
    background: white;
    width: 263px;
    height: 40px;
<div class="pre_input_cabecalho">
   <form method="post" action="">
      <input type="text" name="texto_busca" style="margin-top: 15px; border: none; width: 210px; padding-left: 10px;" placeholder="O que você esta procurando?">
      <input title="Buscar" name="busca" alt="busca.png" type="image" style="padding-left: 0px;" src="">


There are two main differences:

  • The <input type="image"> acts as a button, and will submit the form to which it belongs when clicked.

  • By clicking on a <input type="image">, shall be subject to the position (x, y) click relative to image. Try click on the image from the example, and see the parameters x and y in the new URL.

Reference: MDN page on image inputs

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