Find Modules according to Permissions


Viewed 204 times


I designed a function that lists all modules and sub-modules within the system. But I need it to be different, I need that in this same listing, only come the modules and submodules that the customer has access to, rather than checking whether he has permission or not. I’ll expose how I did:

Function for Listing Modules:

public function getModulosCategoria(){
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM modulos WHERE idModuloBase = '0'";
    $consulta = $this->db->query($sql)->result();   

        foreach($consulta as &$valor){
            $sql_model = "SELECT * FROM modulos WHERE idModuloBase = '{$valor->idModulo}'";
            $valor->subModulo = $this->db->query($sql_model)->result();     

    return $consulta;

In the listing I do the following check:

foreach($modulo->subModulo as $submodulo){
    $permissao = "a".ucfirst($submodulo->pasta);
         Exibe o Link para o Modulo...

So far it’s working 100%, but I need to do it differently. I want you to list all the modules, just look for the allowed modules.

Table of Modules inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Permissions Table: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Return field permissions within table permissions:


Set the modules of each client: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


You need to change your query to fetch the modules by relating to the table permissions. Then return the list of modules with access to a certain user for example.

But I don’t see a link between the table modules and the table permissions.

I couldn’t see your json either.

  • I have the impression that you should use the comments instead of using the "answer" option for this.

  • Exactly, because the permission is recorded separately... I write inside the permission table, as if I create several types of permissions, and then only select which permission the client has... But I managed to settle the matter differently.

  • I would, but I still can’t comment on the question, I can’t say why but tell me I need 50 points.

  • Ue, if you decided to put your answer and mark your answer as right. Someone may have the same doubt. Sorry for the lack of accents.

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