How to convert data.frame to list?


Viewed 1,613 times


I loaded my data using


TAXA         Taxa.1   Taxa.2  Taxa.3 Taxa.4  Taxa.5 Taxa.6   Taxa.7 Taxa.8
09/04/2013  32.7188   8.8350 13.0662 9.0114  8.7003 8.9924  76.7003 9.2542
10/04/2013  376.7003  8.8170 67.0762 8.9842  8.9924 9.0395   8.9924 9.2247
11/04/2013  67.9924   8.8589 13.0656 9.0357 14.3199 8.9912 667.3199 9.2815

They came, obviously, as Data.Frame.

How do I convert them to "list format"?

1 answer


You can use the function as.list.

For example:

df <- read.table(text = "TAXA  Taxa.1  Taxa.2  Taxa.3 Taxa.4  Taxa.5 Taxa.6  Taxa.7 Taxa.8
09/04/2013  32.7188  8.8350 13.0662 9.0114  8.7003 8.9924  76.7003 9.2542
10/04/2013  376.7003  8.8170 67.0762 8.9842  8.9924 9.0395  8.9924 9.2247
11/04/2013  67.9924  8.8589 13.0656 9.0357 14.3199 8.9912 667.3199 9.2815", header = TRUE)

'data.frame':   3 obs. of  9 variables:
 $ TAXA  : Factor w/ 3 levels "09/04/2013","10/04/2013",..: 1 2 3
 $ Taxa.1: num  32.7 376.7 68
 $ Taxa.2: num  8.84 8.82 8.86
 $ Taxa.3: num  13.1 67.1 13.1
 $ Taxa.4: num  9.01 8.98 9.04
 $ Taxa.5: num  8.7 8.99 14.32
 $ Taxa.6: num  8.99 9.04 8.99
 $ Taxa.7: num  76.7 8.99 667.32
 $ Taxa.8: num  9.25 9.22 9.28

Making a list:

lista <- as.list(df)
List of 9
 $ TAXA  : Factor w/ 3 levels "09/04/2013","10/04/2013",..: 1 2 3
 $ Taxa.1: num [1:3] 32.7 376.7 68
 $ Taxa.2: num [1:3] 8.84 8.82 8.86
 $ Taxa.3: num [1:3] 13.1 67.1 13.1
 $ Taxa.4: num [1:3] 9.01 8.98 9.04
 $ Taxa.5: num [1:3] 8.7 8.99 14.32
 $ Taxa.6: num [1:3] 8.99 9.04 8.99
 $ Taxa.7: num [1:3] 76.7 8.99 667.32
 $ Taxa.8: num [1:3] 9.25 9.22 9.28

In general, in the R, when you want to convert one object into another you will use a function of type as.objeto.

It is worth remembering, however, that a data.frame is already a list, only with more attributes. So when doing as.list you’re just taking out these attributes (like row.names).

  • I am trying to calculate a Cubic Spline by the function estim_cs(bonddata, group, matrange="all", rse=TRUE) where "bonddata" is in the format "List". I was able to turn it into Lis but when I calculate the response function is: no applicable method for 'estim_cs' Applied to an Object of class "list".

  • Where can I be missing?

  • 1

    @Diogobastos, you’d better ask another question then by putting exactly the package you’re using etc.

  • 1

    @Diogobastos As Carlos explained, a data.frame is already a list. I don’t remember seeing any case where you need to do this kind of transformation, "normal" lists are useful when the elements are of different sizes or depths.

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