Access to arrays of other HTML functions


Viewed 56 times


I have this code:

    function shuffle(array) {
    var counter = array.length, temp, index;

    // While there are elements in the array
    while (counter > 0) {
    // Pick a random index
        index = Math.floor(Math.random() * counter);

    // Decrease counter by 1

     // And swap the last element with it
        temp = array[counter];
        array[counter] = array[index];
        array[index] = temp;

    return array;

And then I have this:

function somethingOne(){

My goal is to create a function somethingTwo() which uses the array that has been shuffled in the function somethingOne(), how can I do this?

  • But what do you want to do in this function? Where the function will be called?

  • I have a deck of cards, where the array is the 52 images... I in somethingOne() deck the cards, and deliver 13 cards to each "player" ... What I wanted was a function for example somethingTwo() sort each player’s "hand", that is, sort each player’s cards... You know what I mean?

  • And for that I need to access the cards that were shuffled in somethingOne function()

3 answers


function somethingOne(){

To access the Array outside a function the same must have

Var array; // Fora de qualquer Funcao!

// Then the functions here can use the same Array created above.

    function somethingOne(){
      array = shuffle(array);

So the Array was confused throughout the program.


If the variable is global, you can access it anywhere, even after the function is called.

If it’s not global, you can do something like var algo = funcao(argumento); and use the variable that received the function return.


It is not good practice to use global variables by n reasons. Perhaps the best way for this case would be to work with a literal object. See:

var obj = {
  arr: [],
  suffle: function ( someArray ) 
  somethingOne: function () 
     // use o operador this para acessar os metodos e atributos
     this.suffle( this.arr );
  somethingTwo: function() {
obj.somethingTwo(); // ['foo']

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