Open file (pdf, doc, etc.)


Viewed 88 times


I have the following code, which works perfect in IE, but in Chrome does nothing, opens the pdf and does not donwload. Any special settings in Chrome?

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Menu.ascx.cs" Inherits="Intranet.Shared.Menu" %>
<dl class="menu">
    <dt><a href="P:\db_intranet\Planejamento\AcordoPLR.pdf"  target="_blank">Acordo PLR</a></dt>
    <dt><a href="P:\db_intranet\comunicacao\correio\CorreioRPR.pdf?" target="_blank">Correio da RPR</a></dt>
    <dt><a href="<%= ResolveUrl("~/Paginas/Sistemas.aspx") %>">Sistemas</a></dt>

1 answer


Put the path from where the page is and not from the root.

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