Load content into a DIV using Javascript


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I need to upload the video.html page to div with video id using Javascript. I have the following script:

function video() {
        url: "video.html",
        cache: false,
        success: function(html){
And the following HTML:

 <div id="video">

    <button onclick="video()">Carregar</button>

But when I click on the "press" button nothing happens.

  • Check if you are entering the video function by clicking the button? If so, check if you are entering the ajax Success function. To access the page you are giving 2 clicks on . html and running the function or accessing via http? I think this ajax request, as it is, only works via http. Implement the ajax error method to see the error message.

  • You must be having some error, if you are using Chrome, press F12 and post here the error that is giving. probably must be Xmlhttprequest error

  • And what content is inside the video.html file?

  • what happens if in the ready vc put Alert(html)? Is the video.html page in the same folder as the executed page? You can also test using <button onclick="video();window.open('video.html')"> to see if it is loading correctly. If she is, try replacing the div tag with an embed

  • Did you import the jQuery library? You don’t have to do it this way there are better ways to load a video dynamically.

1 answer


There are better ways to do this, take a look here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/HTML/Using_HTML5_audio_and_video.

There’s also this API that can help you with video insertion: http://www.videojs.com/

Obs: if the video is from youtube, you will not be able to do it yourself.
But for a video embedded in html, try calling your method this way:

$(document).ready(function() {
 $('button').on('click', function() {

And in your HTML body:

 <div id="video"><!-- //aqui seu video --></div>
 <br />

If the video is from youtube, you can load it in an iframe, passing the URL at the click of the button.

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