Phpexcel - Library automatically converts the notation of the date when importing Excel spreadsheet, from dd/mm/yyyy switches to mm/dd/yyyy


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I’m going through a problem that’s already making me bald..

In a certain part of an application, I need to import the user’s data through an Excel spreadsheet, for this I am using the Phpexcel library.

However, when editing the information in Ms Excel, when importing, Phpexcel mysteriously changes the date notation.

Ex: I insert the following date in the spreadsheet, 10/07/2015 (dd/mm/yyyy), and import the date is 07/10/2015 (mm/dd/yyyy).

This problem happened in Libre Office Calc, but I formatted the date column for the dd/mm/yyyy notation, and the information is imported normally. Already in Ms Excel this does not solve.

I have created several filters with PHP to handle this type of "error" but it never works...

Has anyone been there? Any idea what to do?

Thank you very much!!

  • The date reported in Excel will be converted to a numerical sequence. For example: 01/09/2015 = 42248. I couldn’t understand why either, someone with more experience might help to understand this format. Well, my solution was to put the following line in the import file that calls Phpexcel. $val = date(’d/m/Y', Phpexcel_shared_date::Exceltophp( $Cell->getValue() ); See if this works for you.

  • The date must be exported (by PHP) in American format (Y-m-d). In excel, it usually understands and puts in the system format. But, if this doesn’t happen automatically, just format the cell

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