Port 80(HTTP Server) and 1935(Server Media) does not work using VPN


Viewed 69 times


I have a server HTTP but I can’t get it to work with a network VPN publicly activated, without the network VPN can access normally with my IP real, but with the IP network VPN I can’t get any connection to the server HTTP and the Media server.

Is there any configuration or any way to make them work with VPN?

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    to create a tag just type the name of the tag in the vpn case and then the space key.

  • Thanks for the information, but do I have enough points? Anyway it is good to know, I was unaware.

  • 1

    The minimum is 300 points

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    Forida always adds the following phrase to the tag definition fragment: If the question is not about the "TAG NAME", do not use this tag, even if you are using the "TAG NAME" in your project. signal this comment so that I delete it

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