Search for posts on Facebook by Hashtag in JSON format


Viewed 183 times


How to bring public facebook posts by certain hashtag, for example #Olamundo. I need posts to come in JSON format.

  • Why not launch a query in ;)

  • I already did this @Hardcorder, through the address: (, but I need the result to be in JSON format.

1 answer


Facebook does not provide resources to search for posts by tag, the only type of reading posts found in the documentation, is based on ID:

/* make the API call */
    function (response) {
      if (response && !response.error) {
        /* handle the result */

Where {post-id} must be the post ID.

  • Hello @Kaduamaral Facebook provides the search for hashtags but is done by hashtag-id according to (

  • Cool @Lucascastro, hadn’t found it, but if you don’t know the id it doesn’t help. : / Look that link

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