How do I populate a $Scope (angular) with get. Json (jquery)?


Viewed 1,028 times


I have a PHP application and use $.getJSON jQuery to fetch data and present it to my user.
I would like to fill a table using Angular.
How do I fill one $scope with the response of $.getJSON ?

Code example below ( without table part )

<script type="text/javascript">
            $.getJSON('arquivo.php', function(retorno){
                //quero pegar esse retorno e jogar no $scope do angular que esta abaixo e assim,
                // deixar o angular popular minha tabela

  // angular --- Aqui abaixo estou preenchendo a minha tabela com os dados abaixo...
  // neste caso estão manual. Quero que os dados abaixo sejam dinamicos.. vindo da tabela.
  // Imagino que esse não deve ser o jeito certo de fazer isso, todavia não sei como faze-lo.
  var ctrlLog = function($scope){
        $scope.loggers = [

  • 2

    It would be more indicated that you post a code snippet of how far you have already reached, given that the focus of the group are specific programming questions

3 answers


With Angular, not preventing other forms, you stop working with $.getJSON and uses his own functions, such as $http:

    <tr> <!-- Cabeçalho -->
    <!-- Dados da tabela: -->
    <tr ng-repeat="coordenda in dados">
    method: 'GET', // ou 'POST'
    url: urlDoSeuJSON
  }).success(function(data, status) {
    $scope.dados = data;

Example in Jsfiddle (it’s not mine) | Example based on question author data.

The $http is a service of Angularjs. They help in the organization of code by abstracting common functions for web applications, simplifying their development.


The most recommended is to do as Gustavo said... using Angularjs' own functions.

But in the case of your code, the simplest solution is to place the function in a place where it has access to $scope. Thus:

<script type="text/javascript">
  var ctrlLog = function($scope){
        $scope.loggers = [
            $.getJSON('arquivo.php', function(retorno){
                // pronto! aqui o teu código tem acesso direto à variável $scope

Observing: this is far from ideal! Something more appropriate would be to define a service to communicate with the server using $http, inject it into the controller, and use it to update any property of $scope passing it as a parameter:

var ctrlLog = function($scope, $myService){
    $scope.loggers = [
    $scope.submitHandler = function() {


Use an Angular $Resource to make the requests and add that $Resource to a service.

    var services = angular.module('services', ['ngResource']);
        function ($resource) {
                return $resource('/api/modelo/:controller:modeloId', {modeloId: '@modeloId', controller: '@controller'},
                pesquisa: {
                    method: 'GET',
                    params: {
                        modeloId: '@modeloId'
                    isArray: true

Since $Resource already comes with implicit methods ($get, $list and $save), simply call.

To embed in the code simply populate the object in the scope

    ['$scope', 'Recurso',
    function ($scope, Recurso) {
        $scope.variavel = Recurso.pesquisa({modeloId: 1}, function () {
            //função de callback, puramente opcional

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