Change script variable value via Java application


Viewed 194 times


I created a script where inside this script there’s a bond like while. The condition for that while is escolha != 1. Everything works ok, but in the middle of this while i run a Java application where I do some checks and depending on this check I need to change the value of this variable choice to 1 in order to be able to exit the loop. Is there any way to do that? I tried that way:


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1 answer


In the script you will do it:

retorno = $(java -jar VerificaSolucao.jar $numCorA A)

Use the variable retorno in the if.

In Java you will change the line where you try to change a variable that does not exist there and returns the desired value. In the else you will do it:


Don’t forget to mark 0 no if, after all you should always flag something, no matter how Java performs. I don’t know if Java sends 0 by default if it doesn’t flag anything.

In fact the convention is returns 0 when everything works well and a negative number when there is some problem.

I would put all the code if you had posted it instead of image.

  • 1

    Thanks, that way it worked.

  • @Fernandol. read this to understand how the site works: [tour].

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