Increase PHP/Mysql script performance


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Good Afternoon

Currently, I have a PHP script that reads a CSV file of 6801 lines, and performs an INSERT as long as there are records. I am currently able to enter 19 records per second.

In addition to this INSERT routine that runs every 5 minutes, users will connect to the database and etc..

I would like somehow to increase the rate of 19reg/sec and still make simultaneous connections also perform well.

Follow the source of the reading function:

$server = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "";
$database = "datab";

$conecta = mysql_connect($server, $username, $password) or print (mysql_error()); 
mysql_select_db($database, $conecta) or print(mysql_error()); 

function lerCsv(){

$handle = fopen("csv.csv", "r");
$num = 1;
$inicio = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
Logger("Inicio da insercao -> ".$inicio);
while (!feof($handle) ) {
    $linhas = fgetcsv($handle, 0);       
    $a= $linhas[0];
    $b= $linhas[1];
    $c= $linhas[2];
    $d= $linhas[3];
    $e= $linhas[4];
    $f= $linhas[5];

    $sql = "insert into bldatant values(null, '".$a."', '".$b."','".$c."','".$d."','".$e."','".$f."');";
    if($query = mysql_query($sql)){
        Logger("Registro ".$num." inserido com sucesso.".$sql);

        Logger("Erro ao inserir registro".$num.". Erro->".mysql_error());

    $sql="update blparams set valorparam=NOW() where nomeparam='BP_LASTUPD'";
    $exc = mysql_query($sql);


  • Put the source code, a lot of things can influence that.

  • @rray added :)

  • There are a number of adjustments that could be employed, one would be to make the insert straight to the bank eliminating the cvs file, with a web service for example, another measure would be to improve the hardware put a SSD HD, take a look at the status and see what is neck in your database and adjust via hardware or adjust the database configuration file ( tunning ) are so many possibilities that it would be better if you specify what type of fit you would like to apply

  • 2

    Study how to do batch operations in Mysql (Bulk Insert, Bulk update). Basically you disable the auto-commit for the current connection, do a batch of, I don’t know, 100 operations at a time, and then just commit. This speeds things up a lot when the number of Ins/updates followed is large.

  • @Sneepsninja I am currently running on my machine, i5 with 4gb of RAM, in the future, it will go to an online hosting, probably Locaweb, so that I have no way to touch the hardware. I think it’s better to even adjust code and database

  • @Piovezan will take a look at this, but by disabling the auto commit I run no risk of losing the transactions?

  • 1

    The auto commit serves to give commit automatically after each Insert/update, ie, make the operation worth. When you disable it, you have to commit explicitly via code after each batch of Inserts/updates (this batch, which is what happens between a commit and another, is what’s called a transaction). Once this is done, you can enable the auto commit again if you have any other operation to do, otherwise it is not necessary. It only holds for the connection you are currently using, does not interfere with other connections. Also learn the rollback, which undoes the transaction in case something goes wrong.

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1 answer


Since you do not perform any file data processing, I see no need to process the file sequentially.

So, in my opinion, you can remove the loop (loop) and process the file at once with the LOAD DATA INFILE. For example:

$sql = "LOAD DATA INFILE 'csv.csv'
        INTO TABLE bldatant
        LINES TERMINATED BY '\\r\\n'
        (a, b, c, d, d, f)
        SET ID=NULL"

You just have to replace (a, b, c, d, d, f) with the column names of your table and ID with the column name to which you are assigning the NULL value.

If you still encounter performance issues, you can change the settings for Bulk Insert. For example:

set bulk_insert_buffer_size = 1024 * 1024 * 256; 
  • Do you ever replace a, b, c, d, e, f by the name of the table columns in the database and ID by my primary key? In addition, there is some way to measure speed using the LOAD Data INFILE?

  • Yes, replace a, b, c, d, e, f by table columns and ID by primary key. You can use the microtime() function to measure the time it takes to load the entire file.

  • Yes, default auto increment usage, 1 in 1

  • 1

    @Lucastorres, To measure performance can use microtime function().

  • Bruno, this is an example of one of the lines: 06-21-2015 00:00:30,A63510,,,"-22.86771","-43.258751",0 Note that some data are in quotes, would have some problem?

  • @Lucastorres, I edited the answer. You can use the OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY option '"'

  • It worked! I just switched to LOAD LOCAL DATA INFILE 'csv.csv' INTO TABLE bldatant FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY'" LINES TERMINATED BY ' n' (a, b, c, d, d, f) SET ID=NULL"

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