What are all the native keyboard and inputs that exist on iPad iOS 8?


Viewed 43 times


I need to do a mapping of all types of keyboard that exists on iPad iOS8. I need to know what are all the ways to input data on iPad. How do I get that!?

  • 1

    These are basically the ones that are listed here.

  • Hello Peter. I removed the tag [tag:ux] from the question because it doesn’t seem related to me.

  • @Paulorodrigues Why don’t you offer an answer by including in it the code of the link posted? Thus, it will potentially be useful to other people (even if the link is off the air), and you gain a deserved reputation. :)

  • 1

    @Luizvieira happens that I’m not sure, so I played the answer so that he can tell if it really is that (since the question is only about iPad), so the answer would be quite extensive because there are 11 options, then each of them would need at least to be translated to make it clear. Finally, it was a question of doubt in relation to the question and time to elaborate a complete answer.

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