I use the Javascriptengineswitcher.Msie package in my webapps on Asp.net mvc, I found 2 more Javascriptengineswitcher packages what’s the difference between them what the pros and cons are?
- Javascriptengineswitcher.V8
- Javascriptengineswitcher.Jurassic
- Javascriptengineswitcher.Msie
I decided to use Javascriptengineswitcher.V8 only that it depends on the Dlls msvcp110.dll and msvcr110.dll of Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012. My question is, do I just need to copy the Dlls to the bin folder of my ASP.NET MVC application or do I have to install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 on the server? ?
– Joandreiy Cordeiro
Possibly it will just be a matter of copying these Dlls together. If it doesn’t work it’s because the app isn’t allowed to load native Dlls, which means you’ll have to contact the host or switch to another one that allows.
– Miguel Angelo