How to write DWORD(32 Bit) value inside an existing Key?


Viewed 93 times


I’ve been researching this on the Web and even found it here. Web content on this, from what I’ve seen is little too much. My question is as follows. How to save a DWORD(32 Bit) value within an existing Key. Because I want to manipulate it within my project through a "Checkbox". Someone has a tip on how to do this?

  • 1

    How so existing key? Is the key of a table in a database? I don’t understand what this key is.

  • For example, I have a browser and I want Webbrowser to force the rendering for IE10, then the existing Key is this: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Wow6432node Microsoft Internet Explorer Main Featurecontrol FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION" - then I want to write a value inside the key "FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION", I was able to create now, but I need to make sure that "0" does not appear if it will not have effect on the execution. The test application executable is: " = 10001

  • Sorry I didn’t specify.

  • Solved! I had forgotten my password from here, rsrs...

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