Remove last table item and reset a new item above the first


Viewed 126 times


How I would remove the last item from a table by selecting the last four.


+------ ITEM -----+-VALOR--+

1: FulanoA        + está online
2: FulanoA        + está ausente
3: FulanoB        + se cadastrou
4: FulanoC        + não está

based on this mini table I wanted to add an item from it by removing the latter and adding another one.


5: FulanoZ       + entrou

and where Fulanoc is to be removed and inserted above Fulanoa.

I wanted to use simple and/or simplified codes.

  • 1

    You can make an auxiliary table, which records the accesses and sorts in order of access.

  • Are you saying that FulanoA pass the position 2, FulanoB pass the position 3 and so on ?

  • yes! always returned ex: 3 turns 2, 2 turns 1 etc...

  • But then it wouldn’t be a bit of a hassle ? What is the purpose of the table after all ?

  • You can sort by the field you want first: ORDER BY FIELD(status, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Because I see no point in wanting to remove one and put another in place. What’s your idea?

  • The organization of the records on the list is done by the time/min they happen, right? type, the more at the top, but recent is action, right?

  • But if it is of type ordered in ascending order to the input time, just update the field responsible for recording time whenever the user enters, and then the display order, would be made during the output or processing of the data in the table, and not permanently by SQL. Because this kind of system you’re asking for is more viable for CMS and things like that. So I repeat the question. What is your main goal in this structure ?

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2 answers


Best way to create a dynamic of this is through a database control, where each change of user status would be recorded the status, which user belongs and the date of the change.

An example of a bank schema:

 `status` VARCHAR(45) NULL COMMENT '',

Okay, we set up the database. In this database will be recorded each change of user status, along with the date that will be filled automatically with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.

Remembering that in your application environment you will need to create a foreign key for the ID user. Referencing the record to it.

With each status drive in your application you will generate an Insert query for this table:

INSERT INTO `user_status` (`name`, `status`) VALUES ('FulanoA', 'está online')

This way will be registered status change FulanoA for está online.

To recover these status just run a query in this table, searching for the last status drives ordernando by field created_at;

SELECT `us`.`name`, `us`.`status` FROM `user_status` us us ORDER BY `us`.`created_at` DESC LIMIT 4

This query will return the last 4 records ordered by the change date, will be output the way you want.

With each new status change the last record will leave the table and a new one will enter at the beginning of it, same game that demonstrated in the example with FulanoZ.


I will make some considerations taking into account this modeling.


It’s a little expensive to performance these constant hit’s in the bank, with each change you register and show, imagine this on a large scale. Cost of I/O will be high for your application. Imagine this in on-demand service?

So what better way out?

Analysis of the need for this interaction, for what purpose and value of this functionality x its cost.

You need to analyze and see if the demand is worth the cost of performance, just to show users status movement history.


Working with these records in a bank is not well recommended, but if you want to use a bank for these drives recommend the noSQL which will have the lowest cost for these frequent queries.

We also have the Redis

Redis is a Nosql database that works with the idea of key value. The key as well as its value can be almost anything, like a Hash in Ruby or a Map in Java. Being a very easy way to save data like user cache, or task queues.

Which is the most advisable for this task, which is precisely noSQL.

Well, I owe a little more code, since this doubt is not very much related to how to do and yes how it works. All alternatives addressed here can be made in several languages, depends on the analysis of your project and demand.

I recommend studying the alternatives put here, because this is really something that will eat your performance with flour rsrs if not well modeled.

Well, I hope you’ve cleared something up.


The best thing to do is to create a 'dataCadastro' column and delete co a SQL Delete form table Where dataCadastro = min( dataCadastro )

  • Would that be valid? Just run mysql_query("SELECT * FROM 'usuarios' LIMIT 0,10 ORDER BY id DESC")

  • The problem is that ORDER BY will sort by what??? You may end up deleting a newer item just because in alphabetical order it comes last.

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