What are the SQL Server Express and Mysql limits?


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What are the limits of SQL Server Express and Mysql? How many bases are possible? What is the size of each database? The size of the index files?

  • 1

    What version of SQL Express?

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1 answer


Both have no database limit.

SQL Server Express can have bases up to 10GB each. The full version does not have this limit. Mysql only has a practical operating system limit that may be 2TB in some cases, but much more in others. This can be the size limit of each table depending on how you are using it. Tables can be partitioned.

SQL Server (including Express) can create up to 999 traditional secondary indexes per table and Mysql can create 64 secondary indexes per table, but never create as many. The size of the index file depends on the size of the base.

Remember that SQL Server Express has limits by commercial imposition. The main one is the size of the memory that can be used to buffers and other operations that is only 1GB.

Most limits of almost all major database software are sufficient for almost all possible applications. Today the limits are more hardware or practicality.

  • 1

    I don’t know if this still exists, but if I’m not mistaken SQL Server Express also had some restriction regarding the number of processors and/or colors used.

  • 1

    There is yes, only can 1 processor. I did not put because it was not asked specifically about this. I consider a lower limitation. In my experience, p/ the volumes that it is used, this does not usually get in the way. The limitation of 1GB of memory complicates much.

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