Display an alert when the event is 5 minutes away


Viewed 350 times


I am developing an agenda in Java, where I have in the database the date and time saved. However, what would be the best way to display an alert 5 minutes before the event? Do I have to run the query method all the time until the times come? Or is there a simpler way to do this?

  • would not be better a notification or even want an Alert?

  • can be a notification too. The problem is how I keep checking the time. I will have to make a method to search the bank all the time?

1 answer



You can use a Timer (java.util.Timer) and schedule it to run 5 minutes before your time:

private Timer timer;

private void programaPara(Date data){// mande a data com 5 minutos de antecedência.

       timer = new Timer();

       timer.schedule(new TimerTask() {

           public void run() {
               //faça algo
      }, data);

To subtract 5 minutes from the date you may be using the Calendar:

public Date getDataMenos5Minutos(Date data){
     Calendar calendar =Calendar.getInstance();
     calendar.add(Calendar.MINUTE, -5);

     return calendar.getTime();
  • 1

    Thanks man, I did a task that does a check on my list of 1 in 1 minute

  • 1

    Oops. I already made a similar application. In my case I searched all of the bank for a certain day, and then created a task alert to each found, and then when the time was task performed the action of my class.

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