How to create html links that are directed to specific points on the page itself?


Viewed 9,335 times


Lately I’ve noticed a few pages on html even being offline had links that directed the user to specific points of the page itself and would like to learn how to do this on Notepad++.

1 answer


Try it this way:

<a href="#ponto1">Link</a>

The #ponto1 is a id of a page element as soon as the link is clicked you will be redirected to the point where you have the id.


<div id="ponto0"><a href="#ponto1">Link</a>palavras palavras palavras palavras palavras <br>palavras palavras palavras palavras palavras palavras palavras palavras <br>palavras palavras palavras palavras palavras palavras palavras palavras <br>palavras palavras </div>
<div id="ponto1">Texto Texto Texto Texto Texto Texto Texto Texto Texto <br>Texto Texto Texto Texto Texto Texto Texto Texto Texto Texto Texto Texto Texto Texto </div>

When you click href will be redirected until the second div who owns a id that matches the tag link <a> *Don’t forget to start with #

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