How to register a Dll for Delphi in Windows XP?


Viewed 385 times


I need to register a dll by Delphi (xe2) in Windows XP, but when running the windows method opens a "Run as" window where you need to indicate the user who will perform the action. Even though my user is an administrator on the machine.

I used the following method to record the Dll:

procedure TForm1.ExecAdmin(Programa, Parametros: string);
var sei: TShellExecuteInfo;

  ZeroMemory(@sei, SizeOf(sei));

  sei.cbSize := SizeOf(TShellExecuteInfo);
  sei.Wnd := Application.Handle;
  sei.lpVerb := PChar('runas');
  sei.lpFile := PChar(Programa);

  if Parametros <> '' then
    sei.lpParameters := PChar(Parametros);

  sei.nShow := SW_SHOWNORMAL;



The call of the method:

ExecAdmin('regsvr32.exe', '/s c:/sistema/msxml5.dll');


a) Need administrator privilege to register the dll? b) How to execute the method silently without the user check box appearing?

  • 1

    This program you are doing will distribute or sell. The ideal is to use a program that creates an installer for your application (for example, Inno setup), or put the program at the root of the system, where it will be run. I had many problems with DLL, I decided to put in the folder where the . exe of the system is installed, and included in the file that generates the installer. As for regsvr32.exe, it needs administrator privilege and '/s' is the silent.

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