First application using Maven


Viewed 255 times


In my application I am trying to use Maven, but I have some problems that can be related to configuration, when I will generate a project JAR or use some Run As option from the pom.xml file in the terminal the return is always:

-Dmaven.multiModuleProjectDirectory system propery is not set. Check $M2_HOME environment variable and mvn script match.

I am using jdk1.8.0_45, apache-Maven-3.3.3 and the following environment variables have already been added: JAVA_HOME and M2_HOME.


<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""



  • How are you M2_HOME and PATH?

  • M2_HOME looks like this: C: starcode apache-Maven-3.3.3 and PATH : ;%JAVA_HOME% bin;%M2_HOME% bin;

  • You’re running something with this is: -Dmaven.multiModuleProjectDirectory=$M2_HOME? As is windows, tried without the $?

  • @Brunocésar, I tried to execute this command in cmd with and without $ , as follows: mvn -Dmaven.multiModuleProjectDirectory=$M2_HOME, but unsuccessfully, the terminal returns me the following message: Please set the M2_HOME variable in your Environment to match the Location of the Maven installation

  • This way you put it will surely give error, because you are without any goal. Try, for example mvn clean -Dmaven.multiModuleProjectDirectory=$M2_HOME and update with the bug, tested in a windows here and is OK. If possible, include your pom.xml

  • @Brunocésar seems to be a problem in my configuration, because when I give the command mvn -version it shows me the following message on the terminal: ERROR: M2_HOME is set to an invalid directory. M2_HOME = "C program Files apache-Maven-3.0.4" Please set the M2_HOME variable in your Environment to match the Location of the Maven installation

  • I also could not run your suggested command, my pom.xml this very basic, nothing that should generate any problem

  • That value for M2_HOME It’s different from what I said before. See if the directory is correct, if it is configured right, without being in the user variables, etc.

  • That statement of "C program Files apache-Maven-3.0.4" is what the terminal, my M2_HOME path looks like: C: starcode apache-Maven-3.3.3, I’ll add my pom.xml

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2 answers


An alternative

In your eclipse access:

Window / Preference / Java / Installed Jres

Select the JRE and click Edit

On the field Default VM Arguments adds:


Obs.: You need to have Mave Home set.


Not to leave the topic without final answer, I ended up solving the problem by reinstalling the eclipse for the last version, apparently it was some problem with its installation because the Maven was installed correctly.

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