Pass data via POST in Angularjs to PHP API


Viewed 2,167 times


Good afternoon

I need to pass data via post using Angularjs for a php api the data appears in the controller but not in the PHP api.

if( isset($_REQUEST['mes']) ) {
    $mes = $_REQUEST['mes'];
} else {
    $mes = date('m');

In the controller I visualize the form data (month and origin ):

.controller('AcpBuscaCtrl', function($scope, ApiAcp, $ionicLoading, $timeout, $http, $q) {  
  $scope.pesquisaAcp = function(data ) {
    $scope.mes = data.mes;
    $scope.origem = data.origem;
      noBackdrop: false,
      template: '<p>Pesquisando dados! aguarde ...</p>'
    var q = $q.defer();
    $http.get(ApiAcpEndpoint.url, data)
      .then(function(data) {      
         console.log(' - data.mes '+$scope.mes);
         console.log(' - data.origem '+$scope.origem);

          var acompanhamento = {};
          acompanhamento.dados = [ data ];
          $ = acompanhamento.dados;
          console.log('pesquisaAcompanhamento data :'+$;


          console.log(' q.promise '+q.promise);
          return q.promise;

And in services also however the search result does not return:

.factory('ApiAcp', function($http, $q, ApiAcpEndpoint) {
    var getApiData = function(data) {    
    var q = $q.defer();    
    .success(function(data) {
      console.log('Had an error'+error)
    return q.promise;
  return {
    getApiData: getApiData    

2 answers


  • 1

    This happens because inputs are sent via body in json format.


Good for your code you are not performing a post but a get... in both controller and Factory, replace and test your code... ABÇ!

$, data)
      .then(function(data) {      
         console.log(' - data.mes '+$scope.mes);
         console.log(' - data.origem '+$scope.origem);

          var acompanhamento = {};
          acompanhamento.dados = [ data ];
          $ = acompanhamento.dados;
          console.log('pesquisaAcompanhamento data :'+$;


          console.log(' q.promise '+q.promise);
          return q.promise;


    .success(function(data) {
      console.log('Had an error'+error)

Problem that if you run a "get" the parameters do not actually follow "$http.get(linkAPI, parameters)" and yes $http.get(linkAPI+?+parameters)... ABÇ!

  • I made a mistake and posted a test that I had done with get, this code with post does not deliver the data to the php api, even if the.log console data arrives in the controller

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