How to cut a string?


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nome = "Josénildo da Silva Ramos do Carmo";

Cut to have up to X characters, and look like this:

nome = "Josénildo da Silva ";

In this case I cut to 20 characters.

How do I do this in C#? I only know in C (which is vector). In C# I could not find how.

2 answers


  • Thank you both, I couldn’t imagine it was that simple as rsrs (accustomed to C who is a terror kk). You responded a little faster than @Caique C. (according to the website here) so it’s the right answer.

  • Yeah, C doesn’t have the type string then you have to do everything in hand, in C# most of the operations are ready in type.


Use the method Substring.

var nome = "Josénildo da Silva Ramos do Carmo";
var novoNome = nome.Substring(0, 20);

The first parameter indicates the initial index and the second is the count of characters that must be cut, that is, the above method will pick from position 0 until 20 of the string.

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