Always focus on Jframe


Viewed 933 times


I need that when I click on some button of my application the focus returns to the JFrame. Is there any method for this?

I could call the method MeuFrame.requestFocus() in each ActionPerformed, but that would take too long.

1 answer


There is yes, try:

You tell your jButton transfer focus and ask for your jFrame solicit this focus.


You can still get focus by forcing through the:


This method gets the focus regardless of who has it (forces the transfer of focus to you), including brings the focus to the window if it is not active.

I would recommend you use the first way, because the effect of the second may be unwanted to the user.

  • there are many buttons on my app... it would take too long...

  • there’s no other way?

  • each button of yours must say that it must transfer

  • @Dongabi your buttons don’t have an action? Just put at the end of the action.

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