How to emulate an iOS app on Windows with Phonegap?


Viewed 9,692 times


Lately I’m developing applications in Windows 8 using the Phonegap Framework. However, I wonder, how can I emulate the iOS app on my Windows operating system?

There is the possibility to do this without using Hackintosh?

2 answers


Unfortunately it is not possible to run iOS application in windows with Cordova.

However, there is an interesting alternative, which is also Cordova-Based, which is the Steroids, of Appgyver. That allows the build and execution of multiple applications via streaming.

Steroids has a very rich CLI that allows scaffolding, testing, etc. Best of all is the command Steroids connect, that starts a local webserver, with a QR code that can be read by the device through the Appgyver Scanner, which in turn transfers the application and you can see the final result at hand.


I don’t know if you already found a solution for what you were asking, but today I was able to emulate in real time a Jquery Mobile creation, created on Windows, directly on my iPhone. The solution was to use the Phonegap app. I found this tip at the following address:

I found amazing update speed on iPhone, virtually instant!

  • I think that’s not quite what he wants, he wants an iOS emulator for Windows.

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