App with Maps


Viewed 81 times


How do I use maps in the app? Is it through certificate generated on my pc that then validates on the web? I can make application of this genre in the eclipse?

2 answers


It has how to do this in Eclipse yes, however, it is much easier and productive to do in Android Studio.

Android Studio ta in version 1.2.2 and is very stable. Includive Google already recommends its use in production. I have used and not regretted.

In Android Studio, just right-click the folder that represents the project and follow "New" > "Google" > "Google Maps Activity"

This will create the Activity with the map, the meta-data field in the AndroidManifest.xml and an archive google_maps_api.xml.

Inside since last is where you will put your Google Maps API key obtained from the Google Developer console. Even, when creating the aforementioned file, within it there will be, in comment form, a small tutorial on how to get the key and use the API.

  • Move a lot from Android Studio to Eclipse that might mess up a beginner ?

  • 1

    @Daniloalbergardi By no means, on the contrary, it adds a number of facilities that are not in the Eclipse. Give it a try I’m sure you’ll like.

  • But it does change, for example having to buy a RAM 8 GB in case you leave Eclipse for AS.


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