How to Redirect after STS authentication?


Viewed 241 times


My application authenticates users through STS. Authentication can go to STS and validate the user PIN on the card. But how do I have it redirected to the "home" page of my site after authentication?


  1. I don’t have access to the STS admin;
  2. I use the component FederatedPassiveSignIn contained in: Microsoft.IdentityModel.Web.Controls;
  3. I Tried Using the Method Signed_in to try to capture the moment after authentication to STS but it did not work;
  4. The way I was able to redirect earlier was by using Event Load, however, this is executed every time the page is loaded (obvious).

Follows Code:

<div style="margin-left: 360px; margin-top: 100px; margin-bottom: 100px;">
        <wif:FederatedPassiveSignIn ID="FederatedPassiveSignIn1" runat="server"
            RequireHttps="False" Realm="<%$AppSettings:CORP.STS.UrlCliente%>"
            UseFederationPropertiesFromConfiguration="false" RememberMeText="Lembre minha Senha."
            SignInImageUrl="~/Images/ec_b.gif" TitleText="Autenticar Certificado Digital" OnSignedIn="FederatedPassiveSignIn1_SignedIn" >
            <SignInButtonStyle Height="80px" />
        <div id="errorMessage">
            <asp:Label Text="text" ID="lblError" runat="server" Visible="false" ForeColor="Red" style="margin-left:-200px;" />

and on the part of code Behind:

 protected void FederatedPassiveSignIn1_SignedIn(object sender, EventArgs e)
  • Unable to perform an Ajax routine that returns if the user is logged in?

  • no. I will only know if the user is logged in if STS tells me yes or no.

  • So... Isn’t it possible to do a periodic query to the method that returns login status, and take the relevant action from that moment on? You would have a server side that would just return the status, and would be in charge of Javascript, via AJAX, check the login status of the user and redirect it, if applicable.

  • It works like this, Passive authentication, goes to STS, does what you have to do for it. and returns me a Token saying whether it is authenticated or not. The point is: Where do I check the token? in which event? from that point I will know how to redirect to page. There is no way to see this via JS, as I have to see the Chain of Claims that STS returned to me.

  • It is expensive, unfortunately in this case I will not be able to help you... I do not understand the architecture you are using. Let’s hope there’s someone more enlightened around here!

  • @okevinlira You can put the complete code of your class FederatedPassiveSignIn? I suspect the event is not being fired.

  • Gypsy, Federatedpassivesignin is a class of Microsoft.IdentityModel.Web.Controls; there’s no way I can give you her code rs,

  • @Kenny Rafael, it’s a C# Yes! although I don’t have (large) C# code in the body of the question, how would I solve a Windows Federation Authentication (WIF) authentication if it wasn’t for C#?

  • it wasn’t I who removed the c tag#...

  • Vish, it was bad then, is that appeared your name in the revision, anyway, whoever it is, did wrong...

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1 answer


I managed to get around it like this... it’s not the best way, (I believe) but it works.

protected void FederatedPassiveSignIn1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (IsPostBack) return;


                var principal = Thread.CurrentPrincipal as IClaimsPrincipal;
                if (principal == null || !principal.Identity.IsAuthenticated) return;

                var identity = (IClaimsIdentity)principal.Identity;
                string userId = "";
                var cpf = "";
                foreach (var c in identity.Claims.Where(c => c.ClaimType.ToLower().Contains("login")))
                    userId = c.Value;

                var usuario = ObterUsuario(principal);
                var juris = new ServicoJurisdicao.JurisdicaoClient();
                var jurisdicoesDeUsuario = juris.ConsultarJurisdicoesUsuario(usuario);

                foreach (var jurisdicao in jurisdicoesDeUsuario)
                    identity.Claims.Add(new Claim("", jurisdicao.ToString(),
                        ClaimValueTypes.String, ObterNomeEmissor()));

                //Cada claim possui também um tipo, uma string que define o tipo de informação contida:
                Response.Write("Tipo de Claim: " + identity.Claims[0].ClaimType);

                var lookupIpAddres = Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_HOST"];
                var ipAddress = Request.UserHostAddress;

                var sessionProxy = SessionProxy.getInstance();

                /*Forms authentication*/
                FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(userId, true);
                /*Forms authentication*/

            catch (Exception err)
                lblError.Text = err.Message;
                PECv2.Handlers.SimpleLog.SaveLogEventvwrError(err, "PecV2 - Login");
                lblError.Visible = true;

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