I’m working on a real estate project and in it I have the add
, edit
and delete
, everything is normal. In real estate I have tables cidade
and bairro
, that when I register there are two <option>
but when I go to edit the real estate, the city and the neighborhood, they don’t take the place of the option
, that is, the customer has to search the city and the neighborhood again, wanted to set the city and the neighborhood in the edit.
These are the options
echo $this->Form->input('cidade', array('label' => 'Cidade', '', 'empty' => 'Selecione', 'options' => $Cidades));
echo $this->Form->input('bairro', array('label' => 'Bairro', 'empty' => 'Selecione o Bairro', 'options' => array() ));
This is my Immovelscontroller, the edit function:
public function editar($id = null) {
if (!$id) return $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
$imovel = $this->Imovel->read(null, $id);
if ($imovel['Imovel']['creator'] != $this->Session->read('Auth.User.Imobiliaria.id')) return $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
if (empty($this->request->data)) {
$this->set('imovel', $imovel);
$id_cidade = $imovel['Imovel']['cidade'];
include 'banco.php';
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cidades WHERE id = '$id_cidade' ");
while($result = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){
$id = $result['id'];
$nomeCidade = $result['nome'];
$bairrosRioClaro = $this->Bairro->find('list', array('fields' => array('id', 'bairro'), 'conditions' => array('cidade' => $nomeCidade)));
$this->set('bairrosRioClaro', $bairrosRioClaro);
$especificacoes = array();
$tipo = $imovel['Imovel']['tipo'];
if ($tipo == 'residencial') {
$especificacoes = array(
1 => 'Casa',
2 => 'Apartamento',
3 => 'Condomínio',
4 => 'Chácara',
5 => 'Kitnet',
6 => 'Temporada'
} elseif ($tipo == 'comercial') {
$especificacoes = array(
7 => 'Barracão',
8 => 'Salas comerciais',
9 => 'Ponto comercial',
} elseif ($tipo == 'empreendimento') {
$especificacoes = array(
10 => 'Comercial',
11 => 'Residencial',
} elseif ($tipo == 'terreno') {
$especificacoes = array(
12 => 'Comercal',
13 => 'Residencial',
14 => 'Comercial/Residencial',
} elseif ($tipo == 'rural') {
$especificacoes = array(
15 => 'Fazenda',
16 => 'Sítio',
17 => 'Chácara',
} else {
$especificacoes = null;
$this->set('especificacoes', $especificacoes);
$this->set('data', $imovel);
} else {
$data = $this->request->data;
if ($data['Imovel']['opcoes']) $data['Imovel']['opcoes'] = implode(';', $data['Imovel']['opcoes']);
$data['Imovel']['modifier'] = $this->Session->read('Auth.User.Imobiliaria.id');
$data['Imovel']['especificacao'] = $data['Imovel']['imovel'];
if ($data['Imovel']['bairro']) {
$bairro = $this->Cep->find('first', array('conditions' => array('id' => $data['Imovel']['bairro'])));
$data['Imovel']['bairroNome'] = $bairro['Cep']['bairro'];
if ($data['Imovel']['cidade']) {
$cidade = $this->Cidade->find('first', array('conditions' => array('id' => $data['Imovel']['cidade'])));
$data['Imovel']['cidadeNome'] = $cidade['Cidade']['nome'];
if ($this->Imovel->save($data)) return $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
$this->set('data', $data);
He’s returning the real estate data:
'Imovel' => array(
'id' => '150',
'codigo' => 'TESTEIMOVEL',
'placa' => 'TESTEIMO',
'tipo' => 'residencial',
'cidade' => '9566',
'cidadeNome' => 'Rio Claro',
'bairro' => '578008',
'bairroNome' => 'Jardim Donângela',
'intencao' => '1',
'especificacao' => '1',
'endereco' => 'TESTEIMOVEL',
'valor' => '1',
'condominio' => 'TESTEIMOVEL',
'salas' => '0',
'dormitorios' => '0',
'suites' => '0',
'banheiros' => '0',
'garagem' => '0',
'complemento' => 'TESTEIMOVEL',
'areaConstruida' => 'TESTEIMOVEL',
'areaTotal' => 'TESTEIMOVEL',
'descricao' => 'TESTEIMOVEL',
'geolocalizacao' => 'Sob Consulta',
'video' => null,
'foto1' => '',
'foto2' => '',
'foto3' => '',
'foto4' => '',
'foto5' => '',
'foto6' => '',
'legendaFoto1' => '',
'legendaFoto2' => '',
'legendaFoto3' => '',
'legendaFoto4' => '',
'legendaFoto5' => '',
'legendaFoto6' => '',
'pageview' => '0',
'opcoes' => '',
'destaque' => '0',
'ativo' => '1',
'ativoPeloAdm' => '1',
'created' => '2014-02-26 09:53:13',
'creator' => '110',
'modified' => '2014-02-26 09:53:13',
'modifier' => '110'
A question, in your view all cities and neighborhoods are shown, however, the city that had already been chosen is not marked, this is the problem?
– Erlon Charles
No, I wanted the city of real estate, I was already there in the countryside, without having the need to change the city and the neighborhood again, for example, I will change the real estate "a", but I will only change if she has garage, there I do not need to change the city and the neighborhood...got......
– Furlan
Now I got confused more, come on. You have a real estate agent who is already registered, when you will edit it the saved options are already selected?
– Erlon Charles
is a relation table? Where does that come from$Cidades
?– Beterraba
include 'database.php'; $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cities WHERE id = '$id_city' "); while($result = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ $id = $result['id']; $nameCity = $result['name']; } First of all, this snippet should not even be written there. Anyway, basically it doesn’t make sense to write this if you’re using Cakephp, it takes care of CRUD itself.
– Daniel Omine
At the end of the day I’m thinking there’s something wrong with Models
– Erlon Charles
@Danielomine yes, I know, but do not know cakephp, only pure php, the modifications I was adapting to php
– Furlan
@Erloncharles as so selected? when I go edit, the city and the neighborhood are not set, I have to search the city and the neighborhood again
– Furlan
@Furlan, read this chapter a little Retrieving Your Data
– Erlon Charles
@Furlan, do the following for me put the following code in your controller
, insert this immediately after$imovel = $this->Imovel->read(null, $id);
after that add feedback to the question– Erlon Charles
@Erloncharles ready, take a look at the question, is returning the real estate data..
– Furlan
Wonder now I can give my answer
– Erlon Charles