Doubt about mvc 5


Viewed 112 times


Framework 4 supports MVC 5 ? Because I have a site that is in mvc 5 and iis 6 is not opening the site, after clicking enter the login screen the page is blank. I saw that iis 6 does not support framework 4.5, so I converted pro 4.0. What can I do ?

1 answer


No rolling, ASP.NET MVC 5 requires . NET 4.5. Version 4.0 only supports MVC 4.

  • Got it @Ivan Teles, know how to convert pro mvc 4 ?

  • Boy perform downgrade, I never really needed.

  • Rsrs, so am I. The guy who developed the site here I think did not know that iis 6 did not support framework 4.5, ai to have this work of going back to 4.0 and mvc also.

  • I believe you can give up the MVC5 via nuget and install the 4, then you will fix the problems that arise.

  • Know how to uninstall mvc 5 via nuget ?

  • Uiinstall-Package Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc -Version 5.2.3, in 5.2.3 vc informs the installed version.

  • Fuck man, here at the company is blocking. And now ?

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