Counties in codeigniter with DB data


Viewed 107 times


Good afternoon I need to get some settings for my site that comes from a table in the database, currently I use variable more then every time have to go there at the bank to get, I think this can slow my application can not?

True case what would be the most appropriate form?

In search on google parent I saw that constants can store data for as long as the application stay running, it would be a good practice I use constants to leave saved data.

The data I need to leave recorded are, I have a price of my products, in them I have to assign a discount for cash payment, but I want to leave the option for my client to change that discount rate in his admin, so he doesn’t ask me after a while to keep changing or will know have customers want to change every month.

In a search in the config folder has a file constants.php, that if I create there it is already for the whole site more there I could not load a model I think it should not be possible to do this. But I don’t know if it will be right to use constants, I need help from you. Thank you very much.

1 answer


Do not use constants for dynamic values.

These discount rules should be set within a database table, just as you are doing now. Eventually even a screen for the user to set the discount values.

The information is small and will not impair the performance of your application.

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