How to parse XML with namespace and prefix in PHP using Simplexml?


Viewed 219 times


The.xml data file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<rsp status="ok">
<ArrayOfContact xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
        <Date xmlns="XYZ.GetContacts.Contact">2015-03-25T15:34:11.917</Date>
        <ContactDetail xmlns:q1="XYZ.GetContacts.Contact.Detail.Chat" xsi:type="q1:Chat" xmlns="XYZ.GetContacts.Contact">
            <q1:Platform>Windows 7</q1:Platform>
            <q1:Date>25/03/2015 15:34:11</q1:Date>
                        <q1:Description>&lt;![CDATA[Olá Fulano de Tal, em que posso ajudar?]]&gt;</q1:Description>

With the PHP script below, I parse the XML file, and I can get the values, for example, of the elements Q1:Browser and Q1:Messagesource

$file = "dados.xml";
$xml = simplexml_load_file($file);

$namespaces = $xml->ArrayOfContact->Contact->ContactDetail->getNameSpaces(true);
$qN = $xml->ArrayOfContact->Contact->ContactDetail->children($namespaces['q1']);

echo "q1:Browser --->  {$qN->Browser} <br />";
echo "q1:MessageSource ---> {$qN->Dialog->Messages->Message->MessageSource}";
  • How do I get the prefix value xsi:type of the element Contactdetail?

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