Error generating application for android with Unity


Viewed 776 times


I created a "game" and I’m willing to do build for android devices... but I’m getting the error:

Error building Player: Win32exception: Applicationname='C:/Users/Lucas/Appdata/Local/Android/android-sdk tools aapt.exe', Commandline='package --auto-add-overlay -v -f -m -J gen -M Androidmanifest.xml -S "res" -I "C:/Users/Lucas/Appdata/Local/Android/android-sdk Platforms android-21 android.jar" -F bin/Resources.ap_', Currentdirectory='Temp/Stagingarea'

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I have the SDK and Java installed. How do I make it work?

  • This is the first time you’ve tried to compile?

  • What version of the SDK, 64bit or 32bit?

  • Yes, I compiled for PC and it worked.. the problem is when I build for Andoid... and the sdk is 64bit

  • Try to copy c:\windows\system32\java.exe pro c:\windows\syswow64 please (where C: is its unit of Windows)

  • N worked :-/

  • Try to install the version too 32bit of SDK

  • And if it doesn’t work, try copying the java.exe of the installation folders of the Java for c:\windows\syswow64. Finally, check if JAVA_HOME is in your OS environment variables (Windows or Linux)

  • Take a look at this as well:

  • goes to sdk folder and search by appt.exe when find copy to tools folder

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