First, collect the names of the buttons you want to disable, so click them once and go to Properties and see the Name parameter
When to start editing? You must double-click each textBox
and in the DataGridView
and add code within each created method:
Nome-Botão-Inserir.Enabled = false;
Nome-Botão-Excluir.Enabled = false;
To enable just do the reverse, double click save and cancel button and put the codes:
Nome-Botão-Inserir.Enabled = true;
Nome-Botão-Excluir.Enabled = true;
The control menu created by Visual is not very intuitive, I suggest you create Buttons (Add, Cancel, Save, Clean data) instead of using them. For each button you can use the codes in the event _Click:
Add (add)
desBloq(); //método para ativar todos os campos para edição (evita que um usuário coloque dados antes de clicar no botão de add)
this.add.Enabled = false;
if (nomeTextBox.Enabled == false) { } // se os campos tiverem bloqueado ele não faz nada
this.TABELABindingSource.RemoveCurrent(); //remove registro atual
Bloq(); //bloqueia todos campos
this.add.Enabled = true; // habilita botão add
this.Validate(); //valida
this.TABELABindingSource.EndEdit(); // indica fim de edição
this.tableAdapterManager.UpdateAll(this.bibDigitalDataSet); //atualiza a conexão
Bloq(); //bloqueia todos campos
this.add.Enabled = true; //habilita botão add
Clear Fields
if (nomeTextBox.Enabled == false) { } // se tiver desabilitado ele não limpa nada
nomeTextBox.Text = ""; // se não limpa cada campo (fazer uma linha para cada textbox
Bloq and Unlock Method
private void desBloq()
nomeTextBox.Enabled = true; //habilita textBox (fazer uma linha para daca campo
// o Bloq seria o inverso, ou seja, tudo false
And scheme .Enabled
for each button
Thank you very much for your suggestions Leonardo. But I think I expressed myself badly in the question... what I really needed was to fire my method of disabling buttons when the user changes the contents of some field of the table understood? For example, if the user starts to change the name of the tenant, the buttons should already change settings, that is, only the save or cancel buttons should be enabled. It would more or less put this method in a table "change" event.
– Denis Liberato
Make two clicks in the Textbox of the fields and put in the method the command
Botão-Gravar.Enabled = true;
and so on, it’s the same way it’s there, only two clicks on the button you give in the padding fields, it will create a methodTxtBox_TextChanged
then you put the controls to deactivate and activate the buttons inside it– Leonardo