Advantages/Disadvantages Magento x Opencart x Other Open eCommerce


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I am with a project to start and I would like to know what advantages, disadvantages, resources and etc. I mean, main differences between open source e-commerce platforms:

  • Magento
  • Opencart
  • Other

1 answer


The advantages of Magento are numerous, including virtually unlimited control over the way your shopping cart will look (design) and how the user will interact with it. Excellent SEO control with the friendly URLs and you can always use tags.

If you have a low budget, the OpenCart may be the best choice. The OpenCart is a powerful system and suitable for start-ups. Easier to handle and manage for more lay users than the Magento. Requires less investment if compared to Magento (regarding features extensions like plugins, themes, etc).

Magento and OpenCart have some similar advantages:

  • Both are platforms open souce
  • Both are popular and have large support community
  • Both are in PHP
  • Both are global eCommerce platforms and support multiple languages and currencies
  • Both are rich in plugins and resources
  • Both use templates and can be maintained by non-programmers

The OpenCart is great to start "already selling" as it is more technically simpler.

See the table below extracted from a website with the very clear comparisons:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

And market use

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Other platforms

Other platforms are gaining market share, as is the case with Shopify, WooCommerce and PrestaShop. See the main difference between other platforms and SEO, for example.


The Magento is more complete, but is more complex (consequently) and requires greater financial investment (if used Pro version and/or if you want to extend its features).

The OpenCart is simpler, has cheaper themes as well as its plugins, but still remains an excellent choice for any type of e-commerce. Would be indicated for start-up.

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