Delete Xcode Pop Ups


Viewed 64 times


Hello, I have an app already made and asked me to update it.... the problem is I was asked to remove the pop-ups from the app and I can’t find anything to remove... Anyone can help?

  • Is it possible to tell what kind of popup this is? Are there any examples? Any screen? I’m not getting to understand what these popups are.

  • Like an INFO button and clicking on this button appears information about its place...and I want to delete the butao

  • Quite confusing your question, you can put a screen print?

  • You have to look in your code at the button reference and remove the code corresponding to it, and remove the button itself from your view, in case it was created with the process of dragging the button from the Xcode object library to your screen..

1 answer


Bruno, as Ccastro said his question was confused, but if the project is for iPhone and this appearing Pop up, is very likely to have the code below in the view controller that appears the pop up.

func adaptivePresentationStyle(for controller: UIPresentationController) -> UIModalPresentationStyle {
    return UIModalPresentationStyle.none

If you have this code and you delete it the pop up is not deleted, what happens is that the saw that appeared as pop up, now will be loaded normally, ie in the default iPhone.

But in response to Paulo Rodrigues that you used the INFO button as an example, you say you want to delete the button, in this case what Jadson Medeiros said is correct.

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