Difficulty to get information through Regular Expressions


Viewed 29 times


I’m having trouble getting information using preg_match_all.

This information is being taken from an HTML code of an intranet page, but from the information I need, I am managing to collect only one.

Follow a piece of code where the information is:

        <img src="../../../img/prioridade_normal.png" style="vertical-align:middle;" width="20" height="20" align="top" border="0" title="Solicitação: Mudança de sala dentro da Gerência.&#13;Atribuição: Ponto de rede em cabeamento estruturado/Ativação/Instalação/">

                      <td width="20">

                            <img src="../../../img/alocacao_outro_profissional.png" style="vertical-align:middle;" width="20" height="20" align="top" border="0" title="Alocado para Tecnico 1" >

                      <th  scope="col" class="textoAtendimentoBranco" style="vertical-align:middle;">

The information I need is between the tags <title>, in which I am able to capture. What I am not getting is to collect the information that is between <STRONG> </STRONG>.

The code I’m using to retrieve this information:

 preg_match_all("/title=\"(.*)/", $url, $conteudo);

My difficulty lies in how to also recover what is between <STRONG> in the same Regular expression being used for the <title>.

1 answer


Hit on to :

preg_match_all("/title=\"(.*)\"|<strong>(.*)</strong>/", $url, $conteudo);
  • You’ve been tempted this way, but it never works. To use this way I have to insert a "break" in the </Strong> tag thus: preg_match_all("/title="(.)|<Strong>(.)</Strong>/", $url, $content); , but it does not contain the desired content.

  • but what is it bringing to you? What is the desired content? In the regex Tester it worked, strange, what is the return problem ae?

  • does not bring me what is between the tags of <STROONG>, which using the above code, should be 19445/2015

  • I was able to make the necessary adjustment and is now returning the desired value, but also bringing other information that are also among the <STRONG> tags. You have to restrict the return of numeric value. I only care what it contains number. What you should add in the ER for that?

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