Sending an icmp echo in C


Viewed 94 times


I’m studying the use of raw sockets and its functioning in the C language, but I was left with a doubt:

When I send echo, I need to give value to the checksum of my icmp header that will send the same, I need to create this function for my algorithm to work properly "summation", someone has an idea?

Send below the code of the icmp header below:

icmp. h

#ifndef __ICMP_H__
#define __ICMP_H__

struct icmphdr {
    uint8_t   type;  
    uint8_t   code;   
    uint16_t  checksum;    
    uint16_t  id;        
    uint16_t  seqNum; 
    uint32_t  data[ ];  
} __attribute__((__packed__));


Completing the icmp

icmphdr = (struct icmphdr *)buffer; //zera o icmphdr a partir do buffer
icmphdr->type = ECHO_REQ; //seta o tipo de pacote
icmphdr->id = htons(getpid() & 0xffff); //seta o id do pacote
icmphdr->seqNum = htons(sequencia++); //seta o numero de sequencia requisitado
setsockopt(descritorArquivoSocket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TTL, &ttl, tamanhoEndereco);
icmphdr->checksum = somaParaVerificacao(buffer, tamanhoEndereco);
  • I don’t know much about this area yet, but I think this may help you is in python but a notion of the steps. You can also look at the traceroute source code itself and see how it is implemented.

  • How do I look at traceroute source code?

  • 1 c

  • 1


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