Can I use any programming language in Windows Azure? How?


Viewed 521 times


The Windows Azure website makes it clear and explains how to use multiple programming languages. But still, it doesn’t explain how to use some simpler languages, such as C itself++.

I know Amazon Web Services can be adapted to other languages, but what about Windows Azure? Does it allow you to use languages other than those listed on the site? And if so, what is the "secret"?

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    "Linguagens mais simples, como por exemplo o próprio C++" You should only use Assembly and Brainf*ck in your day to day life.

  • How can a language with a 600-page specification be simple Hehe? You didn’t mean low-level language?

  • By "simple" I meant "most common", after all all platforms have an implementation... but I liked the xD comments

2 answers


Azure Web sites, that can run natively ASP.NET, PHP, NodeJS and Python (Thanks @Danimar for the information), and has virtual machines, which you can configure to your needs. There are several VM images available for several cases:


You can create web sites from the gallery, which implement a particular application like Wordpress, Drupal, etc

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


You can create Vms and customize them for whatever use you want.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

For your case, the ideal would be to create a VM with the appropriate image (there are several, from various distributors) and make the configuration, which certainly requires an additional effort.


Follow the prices charged according to the size of your VM:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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    Got it... so I can have the language I want with a VM, just set it up from scratch. (Of course this comes a little more expensive.) It’s either that or I got it wrong?

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    That’s basically it! But there is no additional charge... I will update with the amount charged per hour!

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    Basically, once you go up a VM, you pay by the hour. It is already enabled for use via Remote Connection (for Windows Vms) or SSH (for Linux Vms).

  • The "additional charge" I meant is that a VM is more expensive than a common Web site, but I understood what you meant. Great answer, so take it.

  • 1

    You can sign up for the Bizspark program and get a 40% discount for 3 years, plus $150 Azure credits per month. It is not difficult to get accepted, just fill in the data correctly in the required time! It takes about a month to answer your application, so be patient... Sign up!


Node.js and Python can be added to the language list. The visual studio even has SDK to publish python, php, etc applications.

Developers can create new apps from scratch or deploy existing applications created in ASP.NET, PHP, Node.js, Python or even even in Classic ASP. You can include a database when provides a new site with an SQL or Mysql database option. Alternatively, developers can start by choosing from more than 30 free software applications, structures and models from Web Application Gallery, including Wordpress, Umbraco, Dotnetnuke, Drupal, Django, Cakephp and Express.

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