DNS update Cpanel


Viewed 216 times


I’m trying to use a script to update the IP of our server, to be able to access externally since we use dynamic IP.

The script what use is [that][1]:

But it returns me the following error :

// Based on the hard work of Mitchel Haan
// https://haanenterprises.com/2013/04/host-your-own-dynamic-dns-using-php-and-cpanel-apis/
// usage:
// http://username:[email protected]/dyndns.php?hostname=remote&myip=
// per the settings below, the above will update the IP remote.example.com to
// myip is not required, will default to the remote IP calling the script
// most dyndns clients will work with a custom url setting. you will likely need to only
// provide the subdomain and not the full address.
// (ie: with this script, hostname=remote   instead of hostname=remote.example.com
/***** Variables *****/
#The username and password used by the updater to send the request.
#HTTP Basic authentication
#The url of the cpanel server
$dyndnsCpanel = 'https://example.com:2083';
#username and password used to login to cpanel
$dyndnsCpanelUser = 'username';
$dyndnsCpanelPass = 'password';
#the main domain name of the account on cpanel
$dyndnsDomain = 'example.com';
#the base domain of which the subdomain has a dynamic ip
$dyndnsRemoteHostDomain = '.example.com.';
// Plain text output
header('Content-type: text/plain');
if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) {
    header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="CPanel DynDyns"');
    header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
    die('Authentication Required.');
if(!($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']==$php_auth_user && $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']==$php_auth_pw)) {
    die('Invalid Credentials');
// Make sure a host was specified
if (empty($_GET['hostname']))
    die('Must specify host');
// Use server value for IP if none was specified
$ip = $_GET['myip'];
if (empty($ip))
    $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];  
// Validate IP address
if (!filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP))
    die('Invalid IP address');

// Get and validate ttl
$ttl = $_GET['ttl'];
if (!is_numeric($ttl) || $ttl < 60)
    $ttl = 300;
// Create class object
$dyn = new DynDnsUpdater();
// Connection information
// Set username
// Set password
$dyn->updateHost($_GET['hostname'], $ip);
if ($dyn->apiCallTime > 0.0)
    echo "\nTotal cPanel API call time: {$dyn->apiCallTime} seconds\n";
// End of processing
/*** Function definitions below ***/
class DynDnsUpdater
    public $apiCallTime;
    private $curl;  
    private $cpanelHost;
    private $cpanelUsername;
    private $cpanelPassword;
    private $domain;
    private $hostDomain;
    /***** Constructor / Destructor *****/
    function __construct()
        // Create curl object
        $this->curl = curl_init();      
        $curlDefaults = array(
            CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false,    // Allow self-signed certs
            CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => false,    // Allow certs that do not match the hostname
            CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true,     // Return contents
        curl_setopt_array($this->curl, $curlDefaults);

        $this->apiCallTime = 0.0;

    function __destruct()
        // Release curl object
    /***** Setters *****/
    function setCpanelHost($host)
        $this->cpanelHost = $host;

    function setCpanelUsername($username)
        $this->cpanelUsername = $username;

    function setCpanelPassword($password)
        $this->cpanelPassword = $password;

    function setDomain($domain)
        $this->domain = $domain;
    function setHostDomain($domain)
        $this->hostDomain = $domain;
    /***** Public Functions *****/

    public function updateHost($host, $ip)
        $hosts = $this->getHost($host);

        if ($hosts === false)
            return false;

        foreach ($hosts as $hostInfo)
            if ($hostInfo['address'] == $ip)
                echo "No update required: {$hostInfo['name']} ($ip)\n";
                return true;

            $updateParams = array(
                'cpanel_jsonapi_module' => 'ZoneEdit',    
                'cpanel_jsonapi_func' => 'edit_zone_record',
                'domain' => $this->domain,
                'Line' => $hostInfo['Line'],
                'type' => $hostInfo['type'],
                'address' => $ip

            $result = $this->cpanelRequest($updateParams);

            if ($result)
                echo "Update successful: {$hostInfo['name']} ($ip)\n";
                echo "Update failed: {$hostInfo['name']}\n";

    /***** Private Functions *****/
    private function getHost($host)
        $fetchzoneParams = array(
            'cpanel_jsonapi_module' => 'ZoneEdit',    
            'cpanel_jsonapi_func' => 'fetchzone_records',
            'domain' => $this->domain,
            'customonly' => 1

        $result = $this->cpanelRequest($fetchzoneParams);
        if (empty($result['data']))
            return false;

        // Get the payload
        $zoneFile = $result['data'];

        $hosts = array();
        foreach ($zoneFile as $line)
            if ( ($line['type'] == 'A') && 
                 ($host == DYNDNS_ALLHOSTS || (strcasecmp($line['name'], $host.$this->hostDomain) === 0)) )
                $hosts[] = $line;
        if (!empty($hosts))
            return $hosts;
            echo "No hosts found\n";

        return false;

    private function cpanelRequest($params)
        if (empty($this->curl) || empty($params))
            return false;

        curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, $this->cpanelHost.'/json-api/cpanel?'.http_build_query($params));     
        curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($this->cpanelUsername.':'.$this->cpanelPassword)) );

        $result = curl_exec($this->curl);
        $this->apiCallTime += curl_getinfo($this->curl, CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME);
        $error = false;

        // Check for valid result
        if ($result === false)
            echo curl_error($this->curl)."\n";

            // If curl didn't return anything, there's nothing else to check
            return false;

        // Check for error code
        if (curl_getinfo($this->curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) != '200')
            $err = curl_getinfo($this->curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
            echo "Error $err\n";
            $error = true;

        // Attempt to process result
        $jsonResult = json_decode($result, true);

        if (empty($jsonResult))
            echo "Invalid JSON: \n".$result."\n";
            return false;
        // Check for cpanelresult object
        if (isset($jsonResult['cpanelresult']))
            $jsonResult = $jsonResult['cpanelresult'];
            $error = true;

        // Check for cpanel error
        if (isset($jsonResult['error']))
            echo $jsonResult['error']."\n";
            $error = true;

        if ($error)
            // No sense going past here... no more information to get
            return false;
        return $jsonResult;

--> line: 199 No hosts found

--> Total cPanel API call time: 0.406303 Seconds

Someone’s used it and can give me a light?

1 answer


"No hosts found" means the script did not find in the domain specified by the variable $dyndnsRemoteHostDomain the host you specified on the command line.

If you run the script with the following URL:

http://username:[email protected]/dyndns.php?hostname=remote

The host remote.website.com must already exist. The script does not create it for you.

NOTE: I am considering that you are obviously not using "this" script, but a particular version of it. Without your particular data "this" script does not work.

  • @Chun, I have serious objections to your editing of my text. First, you have completely changed the meaning of what I said in the first paragraph. What I wrote is right. Your edition is wrong.

  • 1

    Thanks for the reminder Jefferson. No problem, you can always reverse the edit to how it was in the old days here at this link, scroll down to your version and click on the link reverse. If you later want to format the question your way, take a look at these pages here to help you with formatting your publication: Formatting and also Help on the Markdown. I apologize for any misunderstanding and good follow-up.

  • I already reversed and added formatting. Thank you.

  • Another reason why the script does not find the host is that you stop putting the initial "." in the variable value $dyndnsRemoteHostDomain. That’s not a typo. I think the script could even add this automatically for you, but I don’t know what the author’s intention is to require this in the variable value.

  • I had given a break in this code to do another I will test again aiming at these observations. Thank you

  • I tested this code recently and noticed that both the points (initial and final) in the content of the variable $dyndnsRemoteHostDomain need to exist. For example: .test.com.br.

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