Genexus Ev3 - External variable procedure


Viewed 799 times


I need to create a GX process that will be called by an application developed on another platform.

The Genexus process needs to receive a variable, and if possible return.

Some guidance on variable switching and external call to a precedent developed in Genexus ?

Gx Ev.3 - Java Win.

2 answers


Good morning!

There are n ways to do what you requested, but the one I most recommend is via webservice, follow the wiki link:

If your need is to call your Procedure as an external program, you can use the shell command to call it by other programs:

How your trial is java you can do:

    &msg = "java -cp gxclassr.jar;seudrivedebancodedados.jar; suaclassjava parm1 parm2 parm3" 
//(parâmetros sempre separados por espaços).

    &ret = shell(&msg)

the only disadvantage of the shell is that it does not return messages, so you would need to record the return in the database or in a text file as mentioned above. good luck, if you need more help do not hesitate to send me an email.

I hope it helps you.

Yours sincerely, Felipe.

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Thank you for the reply.

In fact the process I intend to create is consuming a web service.

I am creating the Ws client routine in Genexus Ev3 Java, this project will be used by objects generated in other versions of Genexus (2.1,7,9) and with other generators (.NET, Visual Fox) If necessary to exchange parameters, at least in proc call, in return I can write in text file.

I believe that the most likely will be to call the Procedure client (ev3) in the native language of the generator (.Net, VF), have some other solution ?

And how to prepare this project to receive external parameters ? With parm(oct:) ?

I will perform tests according to the orientation of the link:,



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