Capitalize the first letter of every word in a string with PHP


Viewed 1,285 times


Function-based ucfirst, but instead of converting only the first letter of the first word, how to do it, using PHP, so that the first letter of all words in a string are capitalized?

Thus, following the pattern of "full name", example:

'joão silva' => 'João Silva'
'maria Silva' => 'Maria Silva'
'gustavo da silva' => 'Gustavo Da Silva'
'GUILHERME DE CAMPOS' => 'Guilherme De Campos'

1 answer


You can use ucwords to this end:

Capitalizes the first character of each word

The problem of using ucwords would be when the initial characters are accented, in case they would not be capitalized. I recommend the use of mb_convert_case, but if you are sure that no name starts with accent, then ucwords can handle.

// exemplo 1
$str = 'joão silva';
echo ucwords( $str );

// exemplo 2
$str = 'joão silva';
echo mb_convert_case( $str , MB_CASE_TITLE , 'UTF-8' );

The output of both is João Silva, as you can see in the example in Ideone.

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