Failed to Capture USB J-Link Device with Virtual Box, MACOSX SAM4S Xplaned


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For many years I use my Macbook together with Virtual Box to program in applications that only exist for Windows, but currently I need to develop a Firmware for a Cortex-M3 and for testing I am using an SAM4S Xplaned from Atmel. I used another notebook to program these Hardware, and everything worked fine too, but now I’m unifying everything on pure MAC or Windows with Virtualbox, and I’m having trouble with the J-Link Debugger that works perfectly on MAC OS via the J-Link Segger DriverLink, however while trying to hijack this USB connection to Virtualbox (Version 4.3.20) and I’m getting the error message below the image.

Imagem da mensagem de Erro

Has anyone experienced a similar problem and know what the solution would be? It is a problem specific to Virtualbox or SEGGER J-LINK?

1 answer


This problem occurs when the SEGGER Driver for J-Link devices captures the USB port on the MAC-OS, to avoid this problem it is necessary to configure a USB device filter in the settings of the Virtual Machine in question in Virtualbox.

To do this, go to the "Machines" menu in the window relative to your virtual machine, submenu "Settings" and select the "Ports" tab and then the "USB" sub-tab".

Connect the device in question normally, then click the button representing a connector USB with a symbol + (plus/sum) superimposed, is the second icon on the right, so will be listed the configured Usbs ports that can be filtered to the Virtual Machine, so select the port "SEGGER J-Link" as in the figure below.

Then remove the device in question, wait for the removal to be recognized by the Host OS, and connect again, now the Virtual Box will automatically capture the USB port to the Virtual machine in question.

Filtragem de Portas USB

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