Pentaho - Kettle - Job runs on the Spoon, but does not run on the Kitchen


Viewed 373 times


I have a job simple that simply runs a transformation that connects to the Oracle database via jdbc, makes a select by a database input and writes the data to another table. It turns out that in Spoon it runs smoothly, but in Kitchen it runs, but it does not record the data in the database and does not give any error. Follow the message of Kitchen that even in Rowlevel is bringing a log small and does not insert data.

Log of the Kitchen

DEBUG: Using PENTAHO_JAVA_HOME DEBUG: _PENTAHO_JAVA_HOME=C: Program Files Java jdk1.7.0_45 DEBUG: _PENTAHO_JAVA=C: Program Files Java jdk1.7.0_45 bin java.exe 2015/06/30 15:49:15 - Kitchen - Logging is at level : Rowlevel (very Detailed) 2015/06/30 15:49:15 - Kitchen - Start of run. 2015/06/30 15:49:15 - Kitchen - Allocate new job. 2015/06/30 15:49:15 - Kitchen - Parsing command line options. 2015/06/30 15:49:18 - Job-size - start of job Execution 2015/06/30 15:49:18 - Job-size - exec(0, 0, START.0) 2015/06/30 15:49:18 - START - Starting job entry 2015/06/30 15:49:18 - Job-Sizes - Starting entry [DI_EMPRESA] 2015/06/30 15:49:18 - Job-Sizes - exec(1, 0, DI_EMPRESA.0) 2015/06/30 15:49:18 - DI_EMPRESA - Starting job entry 2015/06/30 15:49:18 - DI_EMPRESA - Opening Transformation: [null] in directory [/] 2015/06/30 15:49:18 - DI_EMPRESA - Loading Transformation from Repository [DI_EMPRESA] in directory [/] 2015/06/30 15:49:18 - Kitchen - Finished! 2015/06/30 15:49:18 - Kitchen - Start=2015/06/30 15:49:15.332, Stop=2015/06/30 15:49:18.129 2015/06/30 15:49:18 - Kitchen - Processing ended after 2 Seconds.

Log of the Spoon

2015/06/30 15:57:45 - Spoon - starting job... 2015/06/30 15:57:45 - Job-Dimensoes - Start of job Execution 2015/06/30 15:57:45 - Job-Dimensions - exec(0, 0, START.0) 2015/06/30 15:57:45 - START - Starting job entry 2015/06/30 15:57:45 - Job-size - Starting entry [DI_EMPRESA] 2015/06/30 15:57:45 - Job-sizes - exec(1, 0, DI_EMPRESA.0) 2015/06/30 15:57:45 - DI_EMPRESA - Starting job entry 2015/06/30 15:57:45 - DI_EMPRESA - Opening Transformation: [null] in directory [/] 2015/06/30 15:57:45 - DI_EMPRESA - Loading Transformation from Repository [DI_EMPRESA] in directory [/] 2015/06/30 15:57:46 - DI_EMPRESA - Starting Transformation...(file=null, name=DI_EMPRESA, repinfo=null) 2015/06/30 15:57:46 - DI_EMPRESA - Transformation is pre-loaded. 2015/06/30 15:57:46 - DI_EMPRESA - nr of Steps to run : 3 , nr of Hops : 2 2015/06/30 15:57:46 - DI_EMPRESA - Dispatching Started for Transformation [DI_EMPRESA] 2015/06/30 15:57:46 - DI_EMPRESA - Nr of Arguments Detected:10 2015/06/30 15:57:46 - DI_EMPRESA - This is not a replay Transformation 2015/06/30 15:57:46 - DI_EMPRESA - I found 3 Different Steps to Launch. 2015/06/30 15:57:46 - DI_EMPRESA - Allocating rowsets... 2015/06/30 15:57:46 - DI_EMPRESA - Allocating rowsets for step 0 --> Add Sequence 2015/06/30 15:57:46 - DI_EMPRESA - prevcopies = 1, nextcopies=1 2015/06/30 15:57:46 - DI_EMPRESA - Transformation allocated new rowset [Add Sequence.0 - Insert / Update.0] 2015/06/30 15:57:46 - DI_EMPRESA - Allocated 1 rowsets for step 0 --> Add Quence 2015/06/30 15:57:46 - DI_EMPRESA - Allocating rowsets for step 1 --> Insert / Update 2015/06/30 15:57:46 - DI_EMPRESA - Allocated 1 rowsets for step 1 --> Insert / Update 2015/06/30 15:57:46 - DI_EMPRESA - Allocating rowsets for step 2 --> Table input 2015/06/30 15:57:46 - DI_EMPRESA

6 : [3], [Client - Unit 3], [2] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Add Sequence.0 - Read Row #7 : [4], [Client -Unit 4], [2] 2015/06/30

15:57:49 - Insert / Update.0 - Insert Row: ! [-1], [UNKNOWN], [2], [57] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Add Sequence.0 - Wrote Row #7 : [4], [Client -Unit 4], [2] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Add Unit 4 - Read Row #8 : [5], [Unit x], [2] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Add Sequence.0 - Wrote Row #8 : [5], [Unit x], [2] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Add Sequence.0 - Read Row #9 : [6], [Usina Unidade 1 Ltda. ], [2] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Insert / Update.0 - Values set for lookup: [1], [2] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Add Sequence.0 - Wrote Row #9 : [6], [Plant Unit 1 Ltda. ], [2] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Add Quence.0 - Read Row

10 : [7], [Unit y], [2] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Insert / Update.0 - Insert Row: ! [1], [Client - Unit 2.], [2], [58] 2015/06/30

15:57:49 - Add Sequence.0 - Wrote Row #10 : [7], [unit y], [2] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Add Sequence.0 - Read Row #11 : [8], [Unit y], [2] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Insert / Update.0 - Values set for lookup: [10], [2] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Add Sequence.0 - Wrote Row #11 : [8], [Unit y], [2] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Add Quence.0 - Signaling 'output done' to 1 output rowsets. 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Insert / Update.0 - Insert Row: ! [10], [Unit y], [2], [59] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Insert / Update.0 - Values set for lookup: [2], [2] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - conn_local - Connection to database closed! 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Add Sequence.0 - Finished Processing (I=0, O=0, R=11, W=11, U=0, E=0) 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Insert / Update.0 - Insert Row: ! [2], [Client - Unit 1], [2], [60] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Insert / Update.0 - Values set for lookup: [3], [2] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Insert / Update.0 - Insert Row: ! [3], [Client - Unit 3], [2], [61] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Insert / Update.0 - Values set for lookup: [4], [2] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Insert / Update.0 - Insert Row: ! [4], [Client -Unit 4], [2], [62] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Insert / Update.0 - Values set for lookup: [5], [2] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Insert / Update.0 - Insert Row: ! [5], [Agropecuaria Goitá Grande], [2], [63] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Insert / Update.0 - Values set for lookup: [6], [2] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Insert / Update.0 - Insert Row: ! [6], [Plant Unit 1 Ltda. ], [2], [64] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Insert / Update.0 - Values set for lookup: [7], [2] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Insert / Update.0 - Insert Row: ! [7], [Unit y], [2], [65] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Insert / Update.0 - Values set for lookup: [8], [2] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Insert / Update.0 - Insert Row: ! [8], [Unit y], [2], [66] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Insert / Update.0 - Signaling 'output done' to 0 output rowsets. 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - conn_local - Commit on database Connection [conn_local] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - conn_local - Commit on database Connection [conn_local] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - conn_local - Connection to database closed! 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Insert / Update.0 - Finished Processing (I=11, O=11, R=11, W=11, U=0, E=0) 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Job-size - Starting entry [10_Carrega_stage.SUCCESS.staging] 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Job-Dimensoes - exec(2, 0, 10_Carrega_stage.SUCCESS.staging.0) 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - 10_Carrega_stage.SUCCESS.staging - Starting job entry 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Job-size - Finished job entry [10_Carrega_stage.SUCCESS.staging] (result=[true]) 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Job-Dimensoes - Finished job entry [DI_EMPRESA] (result=[true]) 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Job-Dimensoes - Job Execution finished 2015/06/30 15:57:49 - Spoon - Job has ended.

Has anyone ever had a similar problem?

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