What is the correct term to call someone who makes HTML code?


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HTML - Hipertext Markup Language

We all know that HTML is a text markup language and not programming, but what would be the correct term to call someone who is writing in HTML?

Could we say that he is programming? We can call him a programmer?

Let’s assume that it uses only HTML and CSS and does not use any programming language.

What is the correct definition?

I am a PHP programmer, but many times before putting my template to code I say I am programming. But some people say I’m only programming when using programming commands. (PHP or Javascript)

I fully understand that HTML is a text markup language, but the question is how to call someone who "program" in HTML.

The right thing would be to say, "I am writing in HTML?" , I am programming in HTML?. This question seems silly, but there are many people who complain about the term HTML programming.

Of course I don’t say this when I’m programming with PHP, but when you’re creating a bootstrap layout for example, a lot of people get bored saying that you’re not programming.

  • 1

    Bookmark? hahahaha.

  • 1

    Labeler... :v

  • 3

    Chicken ? I’m kidding

6 answers


There are several terminologies that are not wrong, but some are more suitable than others.

In computing, a programmer, developer, or software engineer refers to someone who does computer programming and writes software. Wikipedia

In this sentence alone we already have four nomenclatures for a "same" profession. But let’s stick to "programmer" and "developer".

Although the same person may be a "programmer" and "developer" and in the same work he may be applying the "two functions", but there is a difference between the two. So what are the differences from a programmer to a developer?

A programmer works with what can be programmed, that is, it creates a program through logical routines. HTML is not a programming language and yes of marking, so there is no HTML programmer.

A developer creates something, or develops something already created, ie it can develop a program, a layout, a rule, a function, a routine and etc. This is the most generic term and it applies to various areas of software engineering such as:

  • Game development;
  • App development;
  • Website development;
  • Development of systems (programmes);
  • etc..

But the "Developer" can be sub-categorized in some other terminology in the field of programming. One of them is the Web developer that does not apply only to one type of development, that is, there are several means of developing for web besides HTML, a web developer can do it with PHP, ASP, ASP.NET, C#, Java, Flash (Is this still used on the web?), Javascript and etc. Then came up two terminologies that are: Developer Back-End and Developer Front-End. But before talking about these two, let’s talk about one that was well used for the professional who developed websites (with HTML and etc) some time ago, but today is not as mentioned as before, which is the Web Designer.

A Web Designer do not necessarily need to write some HTML code to be called that (For the term designer means designer), often the person just draws a layout website, or email, or electronic banner and etc in an image editor and passes this image to the person who writes the HTML.

So who is this "person who writes HTML"? Calm down, we’ll get there...

Developer Back-End is the one who takes care of the "back" of the software. Usually done with server-side languages such as PHP, ASP, C# and etc. This can be the same as writing HTML, or it can be another one in the development queue that gets the HTML code to continue in software development.

And finally, the Developer Front-End, this is the one that takes care of the "front end" or visible part of the software. Usually made with HTML, CSS and Javascript. So we could call who writes HTML code "Front-End Developer", but not only of HTML lives a Front-End Developer (I can say, because I work in the area), many other resources are necessary to accomplish something significant in the front-end part.

Anyway, if the person works only with HTML, we can call it bookmark, because you won’t be doing anything more than that. But if it develops using HTML and its inseparable friends, CSS and Javascript, then is a Front-End Developer.

  • I agree with what was said, but I still believe that it is more elegant to say that you are programming. Not necessarily a front end developer, he could be a full stack developer. Why no system is built without its interface, because even the black screen of cmd is a kind of graphical interface for the user to type commands. .


Although it is a great version, the ideal would be to call it Web Developer (Web developer)

  • If you are more design oriented, you are then a Web Designer.
  • If you’re more about programming (besides HTML), you’re a Programador Web.


Código is developed. Markup is written.

See who has discussed the subject.

  • 1

    So would it be correct to say I’m programming a bootstrap layout? Or am I programming in HTML?

  • 2

    I imagine, in my humble opinion, that you are "drawing" (as a web designer) an HTML layout.

  • 1

    It’s strange to say you’re drawing when you’re actually writing. (Even though it turns into a layout).

  • Opa, yes, it’s true...but design is desenho, as much as in practice you are painting (painter) or writing (web designer), hehe. It is more a concept than a literal term

  • So I say I’m writing in HTML or Developing an HTML layout? Or is it drawing in HTML itself?

  • Regarding the task (and not the nomenclature), I think that desenvolvendo um layout HTML or desenhando um layout HTML are in full agreement. When you include "HTML", you already remove the idea of "drawing" from the sentence and include the idea of "writing".

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Usually who is in charge of HTML, CSS, Javascript and etc, is a Front-End. So I believe that would be the right definition in this context.

As for programming or writing this depends on person to person. I don’t particularly speak "programming" in HTML, because I think it only makes sense to "program" if there is logic, which in the case of HTML does not have.

  • I program in PHP, Java, Javascript, C, C#, Object Pascal. And even though I think it is wrong to use the term HTML programming, it is more common to use this term than to write in HTML. Now Javascript is not text markup language, it’s programming language. Wouldn’t programming be all about commands? SQL (Structured Query Language) for example... Would it be wrong to say, "I am programming a query"? Many querys do not involve programming, but involve logic. But it is not correct to say that layouts do not involve logic.

  • I didn’t say I think it’s wrong, but I agree with almost everything. But I believe layout is structural, logic is in structure, in the way it’s built, so I don’t think layout has logic itself.

  • 2

    The front end is what he’s building, isn’t it? He’d be a front-end Developer.


This doubt deals more with grammatical language than technological terminology.

Case 1: I am working on a WEB system where I will develop the whole system in PHP and use HTML to build my interface. At this time I am writing the HTML of the Login page. Then: If I mean the whole: I am programming or developing a PHP system. If I want to be specific about what I’m doing right now: I’m writing an HTML for the login screen.

Case 2: You’re on a bus on your way to work and someone calls you up and says, "What are you doing?" Well, naturally we’ll answer "I’m on the bus, on my way to work.". Rarely will we be specific enough to say "Talking to you on the phone!".

Note that it is a matter of context. We know that you do not program in HTML. Keep saying all the time "Ain, do not program in HTML, you write in HTML because HTML is a text markup language and not programming" has more to do with wanting to show up, belittling someone’s knowledge or making fun of them. Unless we are in the didactic field on the subject and this is not the majority of cases. The rest is crap rule and should be respected even is the context.

If you are part of a system development team, but only take care of the database part: You are developing a system, but is not a software developer or programmer, its assignments are other; If you develop a system and handle the Front-end and the Back-end, then you are developing or programming, even when writing HTML; But if your supervisor asks, of the tasks pertaining to development, which one is currently running, then you are currently writing the HTML of the screen "X".


I like to research the real meaning of the word and compare it with the way we use the word in our midst.

In this case, if we think about what "programming" means, we can accept that a person is programming an HTML or something in draw.io


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

So as we can see in the translation ai that google makes us can make an association that at the end we are writing or in the case "making some markups" where, later on a computer will interpret these steps that is written in HTML.

Or even a developer will follow steps designed by an desing to make a screen that later a computer will follow the developer’s steps to display the screen developed in HTLM, Javascript, PHP, whatever

I THINK the question is just how we abstract things. and if we are to see, when we are PROGRAMMING "in fact" we are making abstractions for the computer to interpret, independent of the language.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


HTML programmer.

"Computer programming languages, according to the catalogue of the "The Language List" site, can be classified according to their functional characteristics. The following are the most important:

Procedural Language - allows the development of programming in a structured way, allowing the construction of routines through modules of procedures or functions that are interconnected, being sometimes classified as interpretive language.

Declarative language - allows the development of normally static programming, being sometimes classified as MARKUP LANGUAGE.

Object-oriented language - allows the development of compositions and program interactions between several units of programs called objects, in which object is an abstract element representing a real-world entity on a computer.

Concurrent language - allows the development of programs with execution characteristics in parallel and not in the sequential form normally found in other categories.

Query language - ensures access for the extraction of information in existing databases in database management programs.

Specification language - defines descriptive documentation at the high level of a system, sometimes classified as a programming design language.

In the operation aspect of a computer programming language, it can be applied to the development of scientific, commercial or general-purpose programming. There are no partisan reasons to think that one programming language is better than the other, since each language is developed to meet certain problems and applications."

José Augusto N. G. Manzano and Jayr Figueiredo de Oliveira / Algorithms - logic for computer programming development. 28th edition.

  • 3

    In which case did you mention that HTML would fit?

  • 3

    Declarative language - enables the development of normally static programming, sometimes classified as a markup language. (2nd item)

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