How to access records of a CMS from a location above where it is installed?


Viewed 37 times


I use the CMS Bolt and he uses the Twig, template engine. I need to access the created content, on a page above where the CMS is spinning.

Ex: Bolt installed in the blog folder; page to access and show the content is in the test, location "test/blog".

On the regular blog page I’m using these calls:

{% setcontent records = "entries/latest/2" allowpaging %}
{% for record in records %}
   <div class="four columns thumb" style="margin-left: 0px; clear: both";>
      {% if record.image!="" %}
      <img src="{{ thumbnail(record.image, 100, 100) }}" alt="thumbnail" class="u-max-full-width">
      {% endif %}
   <div class="eight columns">
      <small class="date">{{ record.datecreated|date("d.m.y") }}</small>
      <p><a href="{{ }}" class="footer_last_blog">{{ record.excerpt(75) }}</a></p>
{% endfor %}
  • What have you done? Already have some settings? @Emanuelbarbosagonçalves

  • I know how to access normally through the "blog" folder, in the files that are contained in it. But I don’t know how to pull the information, the records, through a level above that folder. It has as I access the functions or calls of the CMS and they return me the value I want for this file that is above where the CMS is?

  • I’ve edited and posted how I’ve been doing

  • Anyone? Please?

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