Good graphical library for beginners?


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Well, I know that in stackoverflow I shouldn’t get too caught up in the subjective when it comes to questions, so I’d like you to answer them based on facts and not based on your experience.

Well I’d like to start learning how to use a graphical library. The problem is that there are so many and when I look for tutorials for certain like Opengl or SDL often are either outdated or use older versions.

I wonder if someone could point me to some?

2 answers


First I must begin by distinguish graphic libraries of other libraries that besides the graphical part also work with audio, input, network, etc..

There are several graphic libraries but the best known ones are Opengl and Direct3d, recalling that Direct3d is part of the API Directx.

The other libraries (SFML, SDL, Allegro, etc.) are libraries directed to the area Game Development, as these in addition to using a graphical library (Opengl in most cases) also allow manipulation of inputs, audio, newtork, threads, etc...

There’s no one better than another, each has its own positive aspects and negative and I think it’s bad that we use a graphic library because it’s good for beginners and/or for someone saying they found it easy.

It must be us evaluate our decision and choose a library that fits our tastes and requirements. That said, I won’t recommend any library. However, to learn how to use certain graphic libraries what you can do is as follows::

  • Watch videos on Youtube.
  • Read books related to the chosen library.

Remembering that, most of the time this type of content is available in English, so if that’s a problem for you it’s a problem to face.

Finally, I leave here some links related to tutorials and books, remembering again that they are only available in English.

You can look in Youtube other tutorials, it’s up to you to choose, I just presented a short list of possible books you might like.

  • Thanks for the references ;). There is only one problem, the SDL books are directed to C++. I know I can adapt the C, but the problem is that there are some specifics like virtual. How should I proceed in such cases?

  • 1

    I think in such cases it would be better to learn C++, however I leave you here a website that talks about the differences of C and C++, including the use of a virtual`* in the code and the topic is Game Development

  • Good afternoon Rebelox, I noticed that you have collaborated a lot and always with great answers, but note that before answering some questions it would be nice to take a look at what is part of the scope of the site . Making a comment may help, but formulating an answer can encourage you to have many questions that are not within the scope of the site and when the questioner has your question you will feel frustrated, due before it get answer to something Offtopic and then not get more.

  • 1

    Good evening @Guilhermenascimento, thanks in advance for the compliment and the criticism, in fact I had not noticed it and I understand your point of view, I only answered for being an area to which I have interest and knowledge, leading that ended up not respecting the scope of the site, Having said that, I shall be more careful on these kinds of issues.


Opengl and Direct3d are only required if you want to work with 3D. In C (just like C++), the most popular ones are SDL and Allegro (Which are in their new versions currently, with support for hardware Acceleration, multiple windows, etc).

Allegro has an active forum and an official website that allows you to promote your games there (however, both are generic multimedia libraries, so you can develop whatever you want (an audio and video player, for example)).

Both Allegro and SDL have bindings for Opengl and Direct3d, so it is possible to work in 3D with both (These libraries are not just "graphical", they allow you to work with events / input).

You can use the Directx from Microsoft also (However, this is not for "beginners". SDL and Allegro are certainly recommended).

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