How to simulate a button click on Swift (for MAC OSX)


Viewed 124 times


I’m making a program for Mac and need to find a way to "click" a button from a code.

I’m trying to put this code on another button and I’ve tried it in the 3 following ways:

func mouseDown(_ NSButton1: NSEvent) { }
func performClick(_ NSButton1: NSEvent) { }

Someone knows how to do it?

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1 answer


Hello! If you want to define what will happen with a button after you click it, just connect the Storyboard button to the code, choose the type of Connection as Action. Thus, a new function will be created, for example:

@IBAction func sampleFunction(sender: AnyObject) {

Now, inside the brackets, write the actions you want. For example:

@IBAction func sampleFunction(sender: AnyObject) {
    print("Você clicou em mim!!")

In this case, every time you click the button, the string "You clicked on me!" will be "printed" in the Xcode.

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