Add all records before a specific date - Sqlite


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I am wanting to add up values from several rows of my table (add up expenditure values) prior to a specific date (for example, add up all values that are lower than the date 2015-26-06). I’m using the following code, but it’s not functional.

  WHERE strftime('%Y-m%-d%', data) <= strftime('%Y-m%-d%', '2015-06-30')
  AND pago = 1 AND idusuario = 1

Could someone guide me in this? I thank you in advance.

Structure of the Expenditure table

tabela despesa

  • "but he’s not functional." What do you mean by that?

  • that it returns me null, that is, it adds nothing, it is not functional.. @Paulohdsousa

  • it is functional, you are passing the parameter wrong way. just convert the date correctly. The base is populated?

  • is yes, I copied it from the emulator to test the commands using Sqlite Browser, would you have any conversion tips? @Paulohdsousa

  • @Paulohdsousa would have some way to search without the day? only use year and month?

  • Yes, there is a way.

  • and how would that be? @Paulohdsousa

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2 answers


Do so

SELECT SUM (VALOR) FROM despesa WHERE data <= Datetime('2015-06-30 00:00:00') 
  AND pago = 1 AND idusuario = 1
  • Very good Paulohdsousa, had no knowledge of this Datetime on sqlite, thank you


The error is here: strftime('%Y-m%-d%', data)

The function strftime(format, timestring, modifier, modifier, ...) only accepted string as second argument and you are passing a DATETIME.

The correct is the following: data <= strftime('%Y-m%-d%', '2015-06-30') in accordance with documentation.

Another cause that may return null is when the query does not return records.

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