View not returning updated BD data


Viewed 48 times


I have a bank view that when I register a new record the same view brings the outdated values to my listing. It only brings the data up to date if I take down the server and go up again.

I am using Spring Data and below follows more details to help:

public ModelAndView getMenuServiceList(Model model) {
    ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("service/serviceList");

    // Dados estão chegando desatualizados!!!
    List<VwOpenService> openServiceList = serviceFacade.getOpenServiceList();       

    mv.addObject("serviceListRegister", openServiceList);
    return mv;

Service layer

public List<VwOpenService> getOpenServiceList() {
    return vwOpenService.findAll();

Repositorio (Spring Data)

public interface OpenServiceRepository extends BaseRepository<VwOpenService, Long>{

    List<VwOpenService> findAll();


1 answer


The problem was unique and exclusively related to cache, so it was enough to add the following property to my entity @Cache(isolation=CacheIsolationType.ISOLATED) of Eclipselink that ended up getting the problem.

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