How to Create a Slide Side Out Submenu


Viewed 79 times


As I can add a submenu to an existing menu, example I have the menu Ensino inside teaching want to put Cursos,Intercambio and iniciação cientifica, I’m using a class called SWRevealViewController and in the menu I use a tableView, this way:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

2 answers


Short answer

Do not use side menu.1, 2 (both in English)

Long answer

The fact that you wear one SWRevealViewController is irrelevant. As Rafael Leão said just fiddle on his UITableView. A very simple solution is to change your Cells for Section headers that in tap show the Cells section.

  • You link twice to the same blog post.

  • 1

    No, I just tidied up, thank you.

  • I also recommend warning that the references are in English. :)

  • 1

    Yeah, good idea :)

  • 1

    @fpg1503 I read the articles and found it very interesting, now I understand that it is not so efficient and that some users may not guess that there is a hidden menu. the issue itself and that I took a project to develop and it is set that the menu is this way, I will test the solution of Rafael Leão


This functionality must be implemented in the tableView itself.

There are several libraries that implement this functionality of expanding and shrinking cells into a tableView, also known as accordion.

One that I consider quite simple to use is Slexpandabletableview It extends the Uitableview class and adds some methods to delegate and datasource to implement section expansion.

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